Nolo's patents for beginners
A clear and simple guide to the entire patent process.
United States Patent and Trademark Office
This comprehensive website has information on the patent process, fee schedules, news, statistics, and forms. Users can search full text U.S. patents since 1976 and view patent images back to 1790 with a specific patent number. Apply for a patent online using the electronic filing system.
They also have a toll free number for general help and an Inventors Assistance Center: 800-786-9199
Google Patents
Search over 7 million U.S. patents and over a million patent applications. The advanced search feature is very easy to use. Google and the USPTO have also entered into an agreement to make bulk patent and trademark information available to the public at no charge.
BitLaw Legal Resource
A complete resource on technology and intellectual property law. It includes information on software patents and international patents.
European Patent Office
Europe’s network of patent databases, includes over 110 million patent documents from around the world.