Getting Started | Pathfinders & Megasites | Publications & Organizations | Resources available at the Camden County Library | Other Local Resources for Genealogy Research
Searching for one's ancestors can be an exciting and rewarding experience, much like looking for buried treasure. It provides an opportunity for learning about our past and developing a better understanding of ourselves, as well as for connecting with relatives we might never have met otherwise and with other interesting people involved in the quest for their own heritage. There is a wealth of information available on the Internet to assist us with conducting genealogical research. The intention of this website is to introduce you to some of the best Internet resources currently available which will, hopefully, make your search a little easier. Happy hunting!
Please explore the following Internet sites and print sources which will assist you with beginning your genealogical research.
Genealogy Help and Guides
Getting Started in Genealogy and Family History
Advice on getting started and a reference list from the U.K. and Ireland Genealogical Information Service.
How to (from Cyndi's List)
Another extensive list for beginners including educational opportunities, general genealogical guides, Family History Centers, mailing lists, publications and software, citations and footnotes and a section for young people.
Research Guidance
The following sites attempt to provide access to all or most of the genealogy information and resources currently available on the Internet. A variety of these pathfinders or megasites have been included because no one site is all-inclusive and the format of one site might appeal more to one user than another. It is recommended that you explore each of these sites as they are updated regularly and contain a wealth of information.
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
One of the most comprehensive lists of genealogy websites including thousands of links arranged alphabetically by category. Updated regularly. Includes categories for all fifty states, Canadian provinces, foreign locales, various ethnic and religious groups, personal home pages, and for special topics of interest such as adoption and heraldry. Also available is a genealogy home page construction kit.
Genealogy Gateway
Immense collection of genealogy and family history links on the Internet.
Genealogical Society of New Jersey
Publishes the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, and other books relating to New Jersey genealogy
Variety of cemetery records from throughout the country.
National Genealogical Society
In addition to hundreds of links, this national organization provides a library and loan program, quarterly journal, bimonthly newsletter, and home study course.
New Jersey State Archives
Maintains vast collection of New Jersey’s past documents relating to genealogy, such as birth, death, marriage information, wills, deeds, court documents, place names, vital statistics, etc. Can perform reference services for different fees depending on request, patrons can also visit the archives to research for themselves.
RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative
A collection of valuable genealogical resources dedicated to supporting the ROOT-L mailing list. Includes the most up-to-date version of the Roots Surname List, archive files for the ROOTS-L mailing list, and more. Provides free Web server space to any genealogical or historical society. This site calls itself "the Internet's oldest and largest genealogy site". RootsWeb provides space on its server for genealogy home pages and websites and hosts thousands of mailing lists.
Social Security Death Index
Vital Statistics in Camden
Provides a form and information how to request vital statistics from the city of Camden
Vital Statistics in New Jersey
The State Bureau of Vital Statistics maintains all death, marriage, and birth records from 1878 to the present. This link provides information on how to obtain the records.
World GenWeb
Connects the world genealogical community. A must-see for researching your emigrant ancestors.
Publications and Organizations
Association of Professional Genealogists
Federation of Genealogical Societies
This site includes a directory of genealogical societies from Ancestry.com and the FGS. It also includes a calendar of events for seminars and workshops.
Heritage Quest
Discover your family history today with this database available to Camden County Library cardholders.
National Genealogical Society
National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
Print sources to help you get started with your research:
How to do everything. Genealogy
George G. Morgan (929.1072 Mor)
Managing a Genealogical Project
Dollarhide, William (Ref 929.1 Dol)
This book contains sample genealogy charts and forms.
Mastering online genealogy
W. Daniel Quillen 929.1028 Qui
General print sources
The Handybook for Genealogists: United States of America
Everton, George B. (Ref 929.1072 Eve)
A genealogist's guide to discovering your African-American ancestors : how to find and record your unique heritage
Franklin Carter Smith, Emily Anne Croom. Ref. 929.1089 Smi
Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy
Greenwood, Val D. (Ref 929.1072 Gre and 929.1072 Gre)
The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy
Eakle, Arlene (Ref 929.1 Sou)
Periodicals available at the Camden County Library which include genealogy columns:
Your genealogy today
The Genealogical magaine of New Jersey
Family Tree Magazine
Here are some resources that researchers can use to find information on specific individuals:
In our Periodicals Collection we have:
1. Courier Post
We have this newspaper (the primary newspaper for Camden County) from October, 1949 to the present. You can search for obituaries by going through the microfilm. There is no index available for this newspaper. If you are from out-of-town, and have an accurate date of death within several weeks, we can search for you. We can either email the obituary to you or send it via regular mail. Anyone can search the Courier Post website for current obituaries back to January 1, 1999.
2. Camden County City Directories
We have 25 reels of microfilm that contain the city directories for Camden County from 1863-1947 (some years were not available – please see the list below.) These reels are located with the other microfilm on the 2nd floor, near the reference desk. A list of the years available is below. All are Camden City directories unless noted otherwise.
1863/64-1877/78 -- Missing years 1868, 1871, 1873
1917 -- No reels exist for 1918-1919
1929-1931 -- No reels exist for 1932-1939
1940-1943 – Audubon, Collingswood, Gloucester, Haddon Heights, Haddon Township, Haddonfield, Merchantville, Oaklyn, Pennsauken Township, Woodlynne -- Missing years 1941, 1942
1943-1947 -- Audubon, Collingswood, Gloucester, Haddon Heights, Haddonfield, Merchantville, Oaklyn, Woodlynne – Missing years 1944, 1945, 1946
3. Federal Census records
The Federal Census reels for the Camden County area for 1850-1930 are available with the other microfilm on the 2nd floor, near the reference desk. Please see our census page at http://www.camdencountylibrary.org/census-records for more details.
Note: The Federal Census is also available on Ancestry-Library Edition and Heritage Quest databases, both available at Camden County Library. In addition, Heritage Quest is available from your home, with a valid library card number.
In our Reference Collection we have:
1. City Directories
We have a collection of print copies of local city directories. These can be found on the reference shelves. A list of cities and years available is below:
City |
Years Covered |
Call Number |
Camden City |
1882/83, 1884, 1940, 1943, 1947 |
Ref. 917.4987 Cam Ref. 917.4987 Pol |
Collingswood |
Ref. 917.4987 Cla |
Gloucester City |
1951/52 |
Ref. 917.4987 Cla |
Haddonfield |
1950, 1952/53, 1954/55, 1956 |
Ref. 917.4987 Cla |
Haddon Heights & Barrington |
1950/51 |
Ref. 917.4987 Cla |
2. Telephone Directories
We have print copies of Camden County telephone directories from 1960-present. With the exception of the most current directory, these are kept in Storage. We are happy to retrieve these for your use, but would appreciate a few hours’ notice, especially nights and weekends.
. Please ask for them at the Reference Desk.
3. Other Reference Materials
R929.3747 Ben Passenger Arrivals at the Port of New York, 1820-1829 and 1830-1832 (from Customs Passenger Lists).
R929.3089 Zim German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1847-1854, with Places of Origin.
R929.373 Fil Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Records of about 500,000 Passengers Who Came to the United States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries (We own 13 volumes of this multi-volume set).
R929.373 Phi Philadelphia Naturalization Records: An Index to Records of Aliens' Declarations of Intention and / or Oaths of Allegiance, 1789-1880, in United States Circuit Court, United States District Court, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Quarter Sessions Court, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia.
R929.3 Ori The Original Lists of Persons of Quality; Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold for a Term of years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations 1600-1700.
R929.373 Uni A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their Names, Ages, and Places of Residence.
Ref. 929.373 Dau DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Patriot Index: Centennial Edition.
R929.373 Cle American Marriage Records Before 1699.
R929.373 Ord The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America Register, Lineages of Associates, Third Supplement, 1961-1980.
R929.3 Mye. Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, 1682-1750.
R929.3748 Duf Guide to Records of the Sale of Commonwealth Property in the County of Philadelphia, 1780-1798.
R369.13 Cen Centennial Register, 1888-1988, Pennsylvania Sons of the Revolution.
R929.2097 Rob Ancestors of American Presidents.
R929.3748 Roa Colonial Philadelphians.
R369.13 Kil Virtutis Praemium. The Men Who Founded The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania.
R929.2097 Pyne Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Vol. 3 - New Jersey.
R974.91 to 974.999 Histories of various counties in New Jersey, with an emphasis on Southern New Jersey.
R920.0749 New New Jersey Biographical Dictionary.
R920.0749 Nel Nelson's Biographical Cyclopedia of New Jersey.
R974.0974 Cha Early Germans of New Jersey, Their History, Churches and Genealogies.
R929.3749 Gen Genealogies of New Jersey Families.
R920.0749 Sin New Jersey Biographical Index (covers some 100,000 biographies and associated portraits in 237 N.J. cyclopedias, histories, yearbooks, periodicals, and other collective biographical sources published to about 1980).
R973.34 Str Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War.
R929.3749 Doc Documents of the Colonial and Revolutionary History of New Jersey (includes Wills Index from 1670-1817; Marriages Index from 1665-1800 and Extracts from American Newspapers Relating to New Jersey 1704-1782 - indexed).
R917.4987 City Directories: Camden for 1882-1884, 1940 and 1943; Haddonfield for 1950, 1952-56; Collingswood, 1950; Gloucester City, 1951-52 and Haddon Heights/Barrington, 1950-51.
R929.3 Cra Gloucester County, New Jersey. Marriage Records.
R929.3749 Cra South Jersey Marriages: Supplementing the Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem County Marriage Records.
R929.3749 Cra Burlington County, New Jersey Marriages.
R929.3749 Cra Camden County, New Jersey Marriages.
R929.3749 Str Revolutionary Census of New Jersey.
R973.314 Jon The Loyalists of New Jersey.
R973.3097 Str Certificates and Receipts of Revolutionary New Jersey.
R973.7097 Jac New Jerseyans in the Civil War.
R973.7349 Too New Jersey Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign.
R973.74 Har History of the Second Regiment, N.G.N.J., Second N.J. Volunteers, Spanish War, Fifth New Jersey Infantry.
Camden County Historical Society
Physical Address: Park Boulevard and Euclid Ave., Camden, NJ 08103
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 378, Collingswood, NJ 08108-0378
Phone: 856-964-3333
Hours: Sunday 12-5 p.m.; closed Monday and Tuesday: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 12:30-4:30 p.m.; Closed Saturday.
Website: https://www.cchsnj.org/
Email contact for the library: admin@cchsnj.org
For general info: https://cchsnj.org/about/
Access to the library is free to Society members and available to non-members for a daily fee of $5.00; $4.00 for senior citizens and students with ID.
Gloucester County Historical Society
Address: 17 Hunter Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096
Phone: 856-845-4771
Library email: library@gchsnj.org
Website: https://www.gchsnj.org/
Hours: Tuesday evening 6-9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
First Saturday of each month (Oct. thru May) 10am-4pm Last Sunday of each month 2-5 p.m.
Admission fee: $5.00 non-members
National Archives at Philadelphia
Address: 14700 Townsend Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154-1096
Phone: 215.305.2044
Fax: 215.305.2052
website: www.archives.gov/philadelphia
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NARAatPhiladelphia
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Federal Holidays.
Church of the Latter Day Saints, Family History Center
Address: 260 E. Evesham Rd., Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Phone: 856-795-8841
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 6:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.; Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Website: http://www.familysearch.org