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Teens Using Computers

Try one of the library's subscription databases (you'll need your library card number) or a recommended website.

 All Subjects | The Arts | Biography | Books, Poetry & Writing | Current Events | Geography & Political Science | History |  Math | Reference Materials | Science | Search the Web | Camden County Schools

All Subjects  Subscription Database 
One-on-one live online tutoring for students through  Connect to a live tutor through any Internet connection from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m.

EbscoHost  Subscription Database 
Full Text Magazine Articles. You can choose to search from one or a number of EBSCO databases, including General Reference, Biographies, Health, Business, and Current Events.

Explora from EBSCO - Secondary Schools Subscription Database 
Search mutliple databases and browse by subject interest. Includes Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Elite, LIterary Reference Center, Newspaper Source Plus, GreenFILE, and Points of View Reference Center.

Facts on File Subscription Database 
Facts on File is a collection of databases highlighting science, geography, history, health, and multicultural sources. It also has a career guidance section.

Learning Express Library Subscription Database 
Practice Math, English, Social Studies and Logic Skills. On the Learning Express Library homepage click on "School Center." You will need to create an account in order to save your test results.  For user name use your library card number.  Create your own password.  Then use your library card number and password each time you return to the site.

The Arts


Art encyclopedia where you can browse or search for an artist and their art.

The center for public art history



Contemporary Authors  Subscription Database
Biographical information on 112,000 modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and scriptwriters.

Encyclopedia of World Biography
Brief biographies of famous and historic figures.

Great Lives from History Subscription Database
 Notorious Lives; Renaissance & Early Modern Era, 1454-1600Ancient World, Prehistory-476 c.e.; Eighteenth CenturyMiddle AgesNineteenth Century; Twentieth Century

Books, Poetry & Writing


Bloom's Literary Reference Online - from Infobase Subscription Database
Examines the life and works of great writers throughout history.

Literary Reference Center - from Ebscohost Subscription Database
Features more than 10,000 plot summaries and synopses, 75,000 articles, 130,000 author biographies, 500,000 book reviews. Specific contents include Chelsea House's literary criticism series edited by Harold Bloom, the New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, all of Salem Press's MagillOnLiterature, and the Masterplots series.

NoveList Subscription Database 
Fiction database that provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations, and  more for over 120,000 fiction titles. Also includes Author Read-alikes, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, and Feature Articles

MLA Bibliography Composer

A+ Research and Writing for High School and College Students
Includes a step by step guide, hints for finding information on the web and at the library, and links to other great sources.

Current Events 


Global Newsstream Subscription Database
Search international, national, and regional papers for articles that match your search terms.

New York Times  Subscription Database 
Read today's New York Times.

Points of View Reference Center Subscription Database 
Controversial essays that present multiple sides of a current issue.

PressReader Subscription Database 
Read current newspapers from all around the world.

 The World Factbook 
Includes information on every country in the world.

Geography and Political Science



 Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids
Separate sections for ages 4-8, 9-13, and 14 and up.

Flags of the World

World Geography and Culture Online  Subscription Database 
Every country of the world is profiled in depth, covering all aspects of its geography, history, society, and culture. At-a-glance information, maps and flags, videos, images, gazetteer entries, biographies of famous people, a timeline, and current news supplement each country profile



Black Freedom Struggle Subscription Database 
Historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence and more from specific time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom. Covers six time periods between 1790 and 2000.

Civil Disobedience and Social Justice Subscription Database 

Decades: Sixties and Seventies in America  Subscription Database 

History Databases from Infobase Subscription Databases 
These databases cover American and World history all the way back to medieval times.

Pandemics: The Invisible Enemy Subscription Databases 

This Day in History



Wyzant Math Lessons & Help 

Reference Materials


Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia Subscription Database 
For students and adults alike, the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia database indexes over 25,000 records, covering an array of topics.  The database contains various images and offers brief biographies as well as information in a variety of subject areas.

Google Translate 
Use the "Detect Language" feature if you don't know the language you are translating, or choose the language you wish to translate.
Easy to use -- and an easy to remember URL.

Merriam-Webster's Thesaurus 
Another way to say it...

Classics Unveiled
What's the story behind all those gods and goddesses?  Learn more about Greek and Roman mythology.



Science Online - from Facts on File
Contains extensive information on a broad range of scientific disciplines. Subscription Database

Human Anatomy Online

Search the Web



Search results open in new window.


Evaluating Internet Information (from Johns Hopkins University)