Need help with your homework? Here are some great websites to help you. Or try a pathfinder, prepared by Camden County Librarians, for websites and tips on other places to find information.
If you can't find the topic you need try one of the multi-subject supersites. Still can't find the answer? You can Ask a Librarian by e-mail or phone.
Multi-Subject | The Arts (Art, Museums , Music) | Biography (Biographies, Inventors, Saints) | History (African American, Native American, American, World History) | Language Arts (Reading, Grammar, Writing, Rhyming) | Math | Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias) | Science (Astronomy, General Science, Dinosaurs, Nature) | Social Studies (Cultures, Current Events, Geography, New Jersey, Religion, U.S. Government)
Tutor.com Subscription Database
One-on-one live online tutoring for students through Tutor.com. Connect to a live tutor through any Internet connection from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Explora from Ebsco Subscription Database
Find information about animals, arts and music, biographies, geography, language arts, science math and social studies.
Primary Search Subscription Database
Contains full text for more than 60 elementary school magazines. Also provides the American Heritage Children's Dictionary and an image collection of photos, maps and flags
World Almanac for Kids - from Infobase Subscription Database
Includes many up-to-date articles in numerous subject areas, videos, tons of interactives, science projects and diagrams, Fun Facts articles, biographies, maps, and flags.
Art Search from Explora Subscription Database
Click on Arts & Music on the Explora homepage.
Art encyclopedia where you can browse or search for an artist and their art.
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Every child can have an online art gallery and preserve their masterpieces for all time!
Music Search from Explora Subscription Database
Click on the Arts & Music link on the Explora homepage.
Guitar Lessons
Free lessons in all kinds of styles, including rock, blues, and jazz. Lots of photos and pictures to help you along.
San Francisco Symphony for Kids
This site provides information about instruments and a music basics tutorial.
There's plenty to explore at this online version of San Francisco's Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception.
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institute's kids' page.
Biographies of Famous Contemporary People
Biographies of well known people in the fields of science, sports, art, public service, and business - complete with photos!
People Search from Explora Subscription Database
Click on People on the Explora homepage.
History Search from Infobase Subscription Database
American History
History of Women's Suffrage
History of women's suffrage from National Geographic Kids.
Pioneer General Reference
Many facts about pioneer life.
Today in History
Every day a new look at what happened to make this day special in American history. From the Library of Congress.
African American History
Black History Month from Infoplease Subscription Database
Includes history, timelines, famous firsts, contemporary issues and facts, biographies, holidays, education, awards, and crosswords and quizzes.
Eyewitness to History
From the ancient world to the present.
See the Kids' Zone Great Books and Authors page.
Funbrain.com: Grammar Gorillas
An interactive game which tests your knowledge of the parts of speech.
Writing a Basic Essay
Steps to guide you in writing an essay.
Rhyme Zone
Find rhyming words
Maths Chase
Practice the times table, addition, subtraction, and division with these games.
Math Dictionary
An animated dictionary that explains over 400 math terms.
Math League Help Topics
Help in math for 4th through 8th graders.
Math Playground
Lots of math games to help practice math skills.
Google Translate
Translate English words into other languages, and other languages into English.
Fact Monster™
Includes almanacs, dictionary and encyclopedia.
Find synonyms (words that mean the same thing), antonyms (words that have the opposite meaning), and similar words and phrases.
Science Search from Explora Subscription Database
Find articles about science.
Astronomy for Kids
From the American Museum of Natural History
The Nine Planets (we still love you, Pluto)
Great site to learn about the planets.
The Age of the Dinosaurs
Lots of information on dinosaurs.
Hadrosaurus foulkii: Discovering the World's First Full Dinosaur Skeleton
The skeleton was found in 1858 in Haddonfield, NJ.
General Science
From the FactMonster.com Homework Center
For homework questions on Animals, Computers, Astronomy, Weather, Space, Science & Technology.
Animal Search from Explora
Subscription Database
Wildlife Species
From the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, fact sheets on wildlife.
Wonders of the Seas
All about underwater life, with many photos.
Social Studies Search from Explora Subscription Database
Current Events
World Flag Database
Try this site for great printable flag graphics from over 200 countries around the world; also basic country information such as population, religion, and languages, etc.
Provides world maps, plus facts, figures and statistical data on geography, climate, people, religion, language, history, economy & more for individual countries.
Wonderful pictures with detailed information about different countries.
New Jersey State Symbols (State Flower, State Animals, etc.)
Your Guide to the Religions of the World
50 States and Capitals
Learn about any state.
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Separate sections for Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9 -12.