Whether you want recommendations for new reads, want to discuss what you just read, or are are looking for something for your book group, the Camden County Library Readers' Club is the place to start.
Book Events | Book Recommendation Databases | Book Reviews/Suggestions | Recommended Websites | Online Book Clubs | Library Publications
Book Events
See the Event Calendar for book groups, author visits, and more.
Book Recommendation Databases
The library has subscribed to databases that will give you great ideas on what to read next. Enter information on the kinds of books and authors you prefer, and get recommendations for other titles you'll like. Find articles, author interviews, book discussion guides and more.
Literary Reference Center - from Ebscohost
Features more than 10,000 plot summaries and synopses, 75,000 articles, 130,000 author biographies, and 500,000 book reviews.
Fiction database that provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations, and more for over 120,000 fiction titles. Also includes Author Read-alikes, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, and Feature Articles. This database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Book Reviews and Suggestions
View book recommendation newsletters, created by our staff, in a variety of subjects. Sign up to receive monthly newsletters in the subjects you're interested in, or see our readers' advisory archive.
Recommended Websites
Check out these great websites that offer book recommendations, reading lists, book club advice, and in-depth information on genres like romance, horror and mystery.
Online Book Clubs
Join our Online Book Clubs and start reading books in your e-mail. Each day we’ll send you a 5-minute portion of a book. By the end of the week, you’ll have read 2-3 chapters.
Book Club in a Bag
Check out a book club bag containing multiple copies of a title and its discussion questions for use by your book club members. You may place a hold on a bag through the catalog.
Library Publications
See our issues of Quaranzine - art created by our staff and patrons to reflect this current unique time. Subscribe to reading recommendation newsletters and sign up for library emails.