With Blackstone Unlimited you can choose from over 6,000 audiobook titles in every genre imaginable. Stream or download audiobooks using the website or app. There are no waiting lists and no borrowing limits. There are also no due dates! When you have finished a book and/or no longer want it to display in your Bookshelf, click the […] icon and select Return, and it will be removed. You can also click the Return button on the title page.
Start at the website and choose to create a new account. Enter your email address. Blackstone will send you an email with a confirmation code. Enter the confirmation code. Search for Camden County Library. Then enter your first and last name, library card number and PIN. This will create your new account. After the first time, log in with just your email address.
Blackstone Unlimited App for Android on Google Play
Blackstone Unlimited App for iOS devices on iTunes