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Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

In the Library | In Your Municipality | In Camden County | In New Jersey | Federal Resources

See also: Financial Help for Parents

In the Library

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Books on Finance can be found at call number 332. 

Books on Social Security can be found at 344.

Books on Retirement Planning can be found at 332.024

Or do a keyword search for the exact subject you are interested in, ie, "personal finance" or "small business."

In Your Municipality

Annual Property Tax Deduction for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons: Annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled who meet certain income and residency requirements. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.

Annual Deduction for Veterans: Annual deduction of up to $250 from taxes due on the real or personal property of qualified war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses/surviving civil union partners/surviving domestic partners. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.

Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans: Full exemption from property taxes on a principal residence for certain totally and permanently disabled war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses/surviving civil union partners/surviving domestic partners. Unmarried surviving spouses/surviving civil union partners/surviving domestic partners of servicepersons who died on wartime active duty may also qualify. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.

NJ Deduction for Veterans: Military veterans are eligible for a $6,000 exemption on their Income Tax return if honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States by the last day of the tax year. More information 

In Camden County

Camden County: Board of Social Services - provides caring service and assistance to individuals and families in need in Camden County.     

  • WorkFirst New Jersey  has two programs:
        Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provides cash assistance to families with children under 18 years of age whether headed by a single adult or couple.
        The General Assistance Program (GA) provides cash assistance to single adults and couples age 18 and older, without dependent children.

  • NJ Snap
        Aims to increase the food purchasing power of low-income households and the nutritional adequacy of their diets. 

  • Child Support and Paternity
        A federally mandated program whose services are available to all residents of Camden County who receive public assistance.  Part of Camden County's child support enforcement system. Works with Family Court, Probation and the Sheriff's Department to locate absent parents, secure support orders, and establish paternity.

In New Jersey

Bill Paying

Check out NJHelps - a self screen for eligibility for 28+ programs.

Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Temporary Disability

Family Assistance

Check out New Jersey Family Care - affordable health coverage and quality care.

Department of Human Services Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund

Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Family Leave Insurance

Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged & Disabled (PAAD) Eligibility Guidelines


Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Social Security Disability Programs

Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Workers' Compensation
Workers' compensation provides medical treatment, wage replacement and permanent disability compensation to employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses, and death benefits to dependents of workers who have died as a result of their employment.


Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Utility Bills

See NJ SHARES for help in paying for vital services, which include but are not limited to – energy (gas, electric), water, communications and housing resources.

Check out New Jersey Board of Utilities assistance programs.

See the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to help with winter heating bills.

Grocery Bills

See if you qualify for food assistance with NJ Helps.


Higher Education Student Assistance Authority
Provides students and families with the financial and informational resources for students to pursue their education beyond high school.

Military Benefits

You may be eligible for Veteran Services.

Banking Issues

See the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance to request assistance on filing consumer inquiries and complaints.

Investors and Investments

See the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance personal finance topics.

Tax Assistance

Free tax preparation services are available.

Tax Credits

Check out the Earned Income Tax Credit, a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families.

Auto Insurance

The Special Automobile Insurance Policy (SAIP) program, also known as Dollar a Day helps make limited auto insurance coverage available to drivers who are eligible for Federal Medicaid with hospitalization. Such drivers can obtain a medical coverage-only policy at a cost of $365 a year.

Federal  Resources

FTC Consumer Information - Credit & Loans: Credit Cards & Consumer Loans

Financial Facts Tool Kit
Here you'll find a vast array of information to help you begin planning for a secure financial future. You don't have to be an expert to make money add up for you. You just need to know how to get started.

Top 10 Ways To Prepare For Retirement
Retirement is expensive. Experts estimate that you’ll need about 70 percent of your preretirement income – lower earners, 90 percent or more – to maintain your standard of living when you stop working. Take charge of your financial future.

Online Publications for Investors
Online publications from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Social Security Administration
Social Security Express
Main site

Military Benefits

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Frauds and Scams

Internet Fraud: How to Avoid Internet Investment Scams

Deter. Detect. Defend. Avoid ID Theft

Investor Alert: Cold Calling