How do I get a library card?
You are eligible for a card if you live in or own a business in a member community. You may also purchase a 3-month, 6-month, or one-year membership. See the full requirements and apply for a card.
How do I find a book or DVD?
You can find anything in our collection by using CamCat, our online catalog. Use the search box on the homepage of the catalog to do a keyword search for anything, or use the dropdown to search by title, author or subject. On the search results pages you can narrow down your search. We also have a catalog just for kids! See the Catalog Help for detailed instructions on using features of the catalog.
How do I see my checked out items and renew?
You need to log into My CamCat to see your library record. The link for My CamCat can be found at the top of any page of the library website or the catalog. To log in you will need to enter your library card and a PIN number. You may renew eligible items up to two times.
How do I sign up for a class or program?
Sign up for programs using our Events Calendar.
How do I find an article or do other online research?
The library pays for online databases in many different categories with information that is often not available when doing a web search. Library members can use many of these databases from home with their library card number. Under "Research" in the dropdown menu at the top of any page, click on "Databases." Go directly to Databases.
How do I download an eBook or audiobook?
You can read an eBook or listen to a downloadable audiobook on your computer, or download the apps on your smartphone or tablet. Get more information on our eContent page. The link to this page can be found under "Econtent" in the dropdown menu at the top of any page. Go directly to the eContent page.
How do I reserve a room?
You may currently reserve a small meeting room in most branches.
Do I have to return materials to the same location I borrowed them from?
No. Materials can be returned at any Camden County Library branch.
Can I use curbside pickup to get my checkouts?
Curbside pickup is available at all branches. Learn more.
What are the charges if I don't return materials on time?
The Camden County Library is fine free, with the exception of several high demand items. Interlibrary Loan items will also still accrue fines. Learn more.
How do I find directions to the library branches?
Go to the Library Branches page, scroll down to the branch you are interested in, and click on the link for Directions.
On which holidays does the library close?
The Holiday Closing page can be found under Under "Using the Library" in the dropdown menu at the top of any page. Go directly to the Observed Closings page.