Parents | Teachers | Homeschoolers
Camden County Schools in Member Communities
Having trouble making ends meet? Need expert advice? See Parenting Help.
NJ Parent Link: the Early Childhood, Parenting and Professional Resource Center
The State of NJ has created this website with information for parents on state services, as well as comprehensive information on many aspects of parenting, including health, education, community calendars and much more.
FTC: Just for Parents
Chatting with your kids about being online. Also - tips to protect yourself against phishing and Internet fraud.
Family TLC.
Parenting tips, family activities, articles on child development, and age-specific activities to do with your child.
Articles on many aspects of child health from the Nemours Foundation.
Talking with Kids About Tough Issues
For parents of kids ages 8-12.
Parental Controls for Kids on Devices
Pros and cons of parental controls and their effectiveness (or lack thereof) for toddlers through teens. It also discusses various options and tools for implementing controls.
Cox Campus
Access online video courses, downloadable resource sheets (including picture book guides), and games (such as multiple syllable picture cards). Hosted by the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy at the Atlanta Speech School with the aim of eradicating illitearacy by facilitating a virtua community.
Social Justice Books
Access selections of multicultural and social justice books for children, YA, and educators. A project of Teaching for Change, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world.
The library subscribes to several databases of especial interest to teachers.
Provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. ERIC provides full text of more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 1000 educational and education-related journals.
Curriculum Resources - from Facts on File
An electronic library of printable teacher handouts for elementary, middle, high school and junior college. Under "Printable Handouts for Teachers" click on Curriculum Resources.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center - from Facts on File
Provides profiles of more than 2,050 of today's most popular jobs in more than 94 industries. Under "Careers" click on Ferguson's Career Center.
The Learning Page
Sponsored by the Library of Congress, this site offers lesson plans, activities, and educational initiatives to enhance the teaching of American history and culture.
Primary Games
Online learning games.
Resources for teachers from the Smithsonian Institute.
Includes lesson plans and field trips for grade preK through 12.
When searching our catalog, use the subject heading "home schooling."
Everything You Need to Know About Homeschooling
Garfias, Lee Ann
The Everything Homeschooling Book: All You Need to Create the Best Curriculum and Learning Environment for Your Child
Linsenbach, Sherri
Home learning year by year : how to design a creative and comprehensive homeschool curriculum
Rupp, Rebecca
Learning Express Library
Access different learning centers for elementary through college prep with practice tests, exercises, and skill-building courses.
Curriculum Resources
An electronic library of printable teacher handouts for elementary, middle, high school and junior college. Under "Printable Handouts for Teachers" click on Curriculum Resources.
Practical Home Schooling
Home Schooling Resource Guide
This guide was written by Camden County home school students.
Homeschooling in New Jersey
Everything you need to educate your children at home, including state laws, support groups, information on homeschooling methods, ideas for children with special needs, and more.
A to Z Cool Homeschooling
This community website provides information on homeschooling your children from preschool through high school with lesson ideas and helpful articles, as well as links to programs, books, materials, curriculum, and individual state pages, including New Jersey, https://a2zhomeschooling.com/regional/us/new_jersey/new_jersey_homeschoo...
Homeschool Central - New Jersey
State information, regional information, and families with webpages
Homeschooling on a Shoestring
Ways to cut costs while homeschooling.
Homeschool Legal Defense Association
National Black Home Educators.
Homeschooling Legal FAQs from the NJ Department of Education
Reviews for Online Homeschools
Local Groups:
South Jersey Homeschool Families (Facebook)
Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association
New Jersey Homeschool Association