Camden County Library offers print newspapers and magazines to read while in our branches and two kinds of digital newspaper access. For some you can read today's edition of the paper in its entirety. For others you can search to find articles, either in full text or as a single page of a digital version of the paper.
If you would like to see which newspapers, magazines and journals are in the library branches please search in our catalog: https://catalog.camdencountylibrary.org .
Read today’s paper | Find articles from New Jersey and Philadelphia papers | Find articles from newspapers around the world
New York Times
Discover original, quality journalism on nytimes.com, featuring fearless reporting, varied perspectives, and practical advice on nearly every topic. You can also access NY Times Games, NY Times Food, and The Athletic.
Click here if you are using a library computer.
See detailed instructions.
Philadelphia Inquirer (through Press Reader)
Use PressReader to see the digital version of the current Philadelphia Inquirer (as well as past issues). PressReader also offers many other newspapers and magazines from around the world.
Get access to the complete version of more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines, including the Philadelphia Inquirer, as soon as they are available on shelves. Detailed instructions.
Wall Street Journal
Read The Wall Street Journal online on wsj.com, with coverage of U.S. and world news, politics, arts, culture, lifestyle, sports, health, and more.
See detailed instructions.
See full-page images of each page of all issues from 1949 to the present (excluding the past week).
New Jersey Collection- Recent Newspapers
Articles from New Jersey news sources. Full-page images of the digitized newspapers in this state collection provide cover-to-cover access to newspaper content from 2010 to the present (not including the past week). Searches Asbury Park Press, Courier-Post, and Home News Tribune.
New Jersey Collection: Historical Newspapers
Each title includes the complete paper, cover-to-cover, with full-page images in PDF format. For newspapers still publishing, coverage extends to within days of the current issue. Searches Asbury Park Press, Courier-Post, Daily Record, Home News Tribune,The Courier-News, The Daily Journal, The North Jersey Herald & News, and The Record
Philadelphia Inquirer
Search current and archived issues for full-text articles and content only published online.
Regional Business News
Regional Business News incorporates 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Newspaper Source Plus
Full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.