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Citation Resources

Books & AV Materials

These resources can help you find more complete information about books and AV materials. If an identifying number such as an ISBN, ASIN or Library of Congress card number is provided, it can be of great assistance to the ILL staff.

Barnes & Noble

The Library of Congress

Princeton University Catalog

Rutgers University Catalog

OCLC's Worldcat


These resources can help you find more complete information about magazine, journal and newspaper articles. The information required for an interlibrary loan article request includes the title of the article, author(s), name of magazine/newspaper/journal, date and/or volume and issue, and page numbers. Having the ISSN number is also helpful.

 To complete or correct an article citation:

Check your library's electronic databases. Public Library databases College Library databases at Covers 300 magazines and goes back to 1998.

For scholarly/technical articles try Ingenta at

For medical articles try PubMed at
The National Cancer Institute at
Free Medical Journals Site at

Also, many magazines/journals have web sites with at least partial archives. Some archives are full text and others just give a table of contents for each issue. Both can be useful when trying to complete a citation and can be found by searching Google (

For some articles (especially older ones), you will need to try print indexes. Please ask a librarian to suggest which indexes will be of assistance.

To locate an ISSN number:

Library of Congress catalog at

Ulrichs International Periodical Directory (print resource available in Reference at the Voorhees Branch of the public library and Camden County College's Wolverton Library)


Dissertations Abstracts can be found at ProQuest.