In Camden County, NJ and elsewhere...
1 The Camden County Library has the Courier Post newspaper back to October, 1949. We can search the paper for patrons if they can pinpoint the exact date of death to within a few weeks. There is no index to the newspaper. You can search the Courier Post for obituaries back to January 1, 1999 by using the Proquest Custom Newspaper database. You will need your library card. http://search.proquest.com/index?accountid=47446&groupid=39258 You can retrieve, view, print and email digitized images from the Courier-Post beginning with 2010 using Courier Post Digital Microfilm .
2. If the death date is unknown, the patron can try searching the Social Security Death Index to identify the date, if the person drew Social Security benefits:
3. If the person died before 1949 in NJ, the patron can check with the Camden County Historical Society. They have the Courier Post on microfilm from 1892-1959. They also have an obituary card file. Their usual charges are $5 for a simple search where you know the death date, or $25 per hour for more extensive research.
Phone: (856) 964-3333
4 Another resource might be the Gloucester County Historical Society because the Camden County area was a part of Gloucester County until 1844, when it became a separate county. They also have an obituary file. Their research fee is $20.
Phone: (856) 845-4771.
5. If the person died recently (within the last several years), the patron could try the Obituary Daily Times, which is an index of obituaries printed in newspapers. This would be one way to determine the exact date. The patron would then need to contact a library that carries the newspaper to obtain the obituary:
Another resource for recent obituaries is ObitFinder: