Presidents Pathfinder
Books you can take with you are in this number range:
j920 - j923 or j973
y920 - y923 or y973
When searching our catalog use these subjects:
Presidents - Biography - juvenile literature
Presidents - United States - Biography - juvenile literature
Presidents - United States - History - juvenile literature
Presidents - United States - juvenile literature
Helpful reference books:
Facts about the Presidents: a compilation of biographical and historical information - Ref. 923.173 Kan (Located at Voorhees, South County, Gloucester Twp.)
The Presidents: a reference history- Ref. 923.173 Pre (Located at Voorhees)
Suggested magazine and journal indexes:
Explora from Ebscohost
Biography - United States Presidents
Presidents, Vice Presidents, and First Ladies of the United States
The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden - from the Smithsonian