In the Library
Take a library class or attend an informative program.
Computer skills are often necessary in today's job market. The library offers free classes on searching the Web, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, creating free online e-mail accounts, in addition to classes on searching for jobs online. Find a computer class.
The library also offers programs on a number of subjects, from resume tips to starting your own business. View all the library programs to find one that's right for you.
Use the library's free public computers.
Search for jobs online. Create a resume on one of the library's public computers using the program Winway Resume. Brush up on your skills by taking one of the library's free online computer tutorials.
Books on Job Hunting can be found at 650.14 and 331.07
Search the catalog for job hunting books.
The Art of Finding the Job You Love: An Unconventional Guide to Work with Meaning - Cara Heilmann
The Big Book of Job Hunting Hacks: How to Build a Résumé, Conquer the Interview, and Land Your Dream Job - Brenda Bernstein and John Henry Weiss
Job Interview Tips for Overcoming Red Flags: Winning Strategies, Examples, and Short Stories for People with Not-So-Hot Backgrounds - Krannich, Ronald
Knock 'Em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide - John Martin Yate
The New Rules of Work: The Muse Playbook for Navigating the Modern Workplace - Alexandra Cavoulacos and Kathryn Minshew
Camden County Library Electronic Resources:
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center – from Infobase
Offers a wealth of resources to assess career goals and interests, plan education, learn workplace skills, find apprenticeships and internships, conduct a job search, and more.
Job and Career Accelerator - from Learning Express
Explore occupations and search available jobs, create professional resumes and cover letters, and practice interviewing skills. Get tips and advice on how to improve your job search and organize and track your job search progress. Learning Express Library also provides tests, exercises, and skill-building courses.
Reference Solutions - from Data Axle
Choose the U.S. Jobs/Internships portal and then use the Quick Search or Advanced Search options to not only find out about job opportunities but also about the companies offering them. Options to search by include type of job, salary, distance, company name, and more. A video tutorial under “Job Resources” gives an overview of the module.
Career Center - from Tutor.com
Professional tutors are available to help draft or improve a résumé, coach you on interview skills, and assist with the job search process. They can provide a little help or a lot of help, depending on what you need. You and your career tutor work in real time in a secure, anonymous, online classroom. You’ll use chat capability and an interactive whiteboard to work through your questions. You can even share a copy of a cover letter or résumé to work with the tutor to improve your chances of getting an interview..
Community Resources:
Camden County Career One-Stop
Services offered include job search assistance, career counseling, interviewing skills, and training and education assistance. All services are offered virtually at this time. The One-Stop Career Center of Camden County offers local information.
NJ Civil Service Commission
Provides information and job lists in regards to working in NJ government agencies. Choose “Job Announcements for the Public” or “Promotional Announcements for Current Government Employees”, depending on circumstance
New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator
New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator is a free career and labor market information website presented by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Center for Occupational Employment Information, to the residents of New Jersey.
It offers extensive New Jersey information on over 550 occupations and 194 NJ occupational licenses, registrations and certifications. Also included are sections on Volunteering and Apprenticeships in NJ.
NJ Career Connections - from the NJ Dept of Labor & Workforce Development
Provides users direct access to career navigation resources and interactive tools, including a job board and a career navigation module, a directory of training programs, information on hundreds of careers, and advice and guidance on a wide variety of topics.
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Provides older (ages 55+), long-term unemployed New Jersey job seekers or mature workers looking for new employment opportunities with access to free, personalized career services, including web-based information resources and in-person and virtual career coaching.
New Jersey Unemployment Site
File for unemployment or claim weekly benefits.
Websites and Online Resources:
My Next Move - sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor
With tasks, skills, salary information, and more, this interactive tool helps job seekers and students learn more about their career options. Search by keyword; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests and level of work experience.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
From the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this online government document is the primary source for in depth information about specific careers including nature of the work, working conditions, training, job outlook, and earnings.
Connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world, serving as the central place to find opportunities in hundreds of federal agencies and organizations.
Besides employment listings, job search sites often include resources on other aspects of job searching, including writing resumes and honing interview skills, career advice blogs, and company reviews. A sampling of such sites include Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Ziprecruiter.
Updated 11/2022