Housing Assistance
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Finding Housing in Camden
Foreclosure Issues?
New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency - Find information on a variety of state and federal programs to help anyone facing foreclosure and provides programs for home buyers, home owners, renters, seniors and those with special needs.
New Jersey Judiciary Foreclosure Mediation Program provides homeowners with access to housing counselors and court trained mediators to resolve foreclosure actions by proposing work-out and payment arrangements between distressed borrowers and lenders. The program will also provide lawyers to income-eligible homeowners.
Financial Counseling Organizations - This site has a list of governmental and non-profit entities that may provide financial assistance or counseling to borrowers in foreclosure.
Homelessness Prevention
The New Jersey Homelessness Prevention Program provides limited financial assistance to low and moderate income tenants and homeowners in imminent danger of eviction or foreclosure.
Call toll-free: 866-889-6270
Utility Bills
The New Jersey Board of Utilities provides information about the following assistance programs:
Comfort Partners | NJ OCE Web Site - The New Jersey Comfort Partners Program is a free energy saving and energy education program for qualified low-income customers. We partner with you to help you save energy and money and make your home more energy efficient.
NJ Department of Community Affairs | LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP) is designed to help low-income families and individuals meet home heating and medically necessary cooling costs.
NJ Department of Community Affairs | Universal Service Fund (USF) -Helps make energy bills more affordable for low income customers. If you are eligible, USF can lower the amount you have to pay for natural gas and electricity.
NJ Department of Community Affairs | Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) - Assist elderly, handicapped and low-income persons in weatherizing their homes, improving their heating system efficiency and conserving energy.
Lifeline Utility Assistance Program information and qualification information - Lifeline is administered by the Department of Health and Senior Services, provides a $225 energy benefit to seniors and the disabled who meet the PAAD eligibility requirements or who receive SSI. The benefit is also available to customers who have electric and gas costs included in their rent.
NJ Shares - New Jersey's Statewide Energy Fund Providing Temporary Assistance - NJ SHARES is a non-profit corporation that provides assistance to individuals and families living in New Jersey who are in need of temporary help in paying their energy.
Telephone Assistance - Telephone assistance programs provide a discount on your monthly bill and/or provide a reduction in installation (hook-up) fees. Eligibility is determined based on your income or participation in other assistance programs. Telephone assistance is available to you if you are a qualified residential telephone customer. The federal government sponsors two programs, Lifeline and Link-Up. Lifeline provides you with a discount to your monthly bill that could be as much as $13.26 depending on your local telephone company. Link-Up provides a 50 percent reduction in the initial telephone connection charges (up to $30.00). Please contact your local telephone company to participate in any of these programs.
NJ EASE - NJ Easy Access, Single Entry - county-specific toll free information via phone - is the easy way for seniors and their families to get information about and access senior services. NJ EASE is one toll-free telephone number to put you in touch with someone to help you learn about and apply for important programs and benefits.
Foreclosure Issues
Avoiding Foreclosure
Where to Get Help - Freddie Mac
HUD Housing Counseling - Want advice on buying a home, renting, default, foreclosure, credit issues or reverse mortgages? HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country to provide free or low cost advice.
NFCC: Housing Counseling – The National Foundation for Credit Counseling offers the following types of housing counseling:
Pre-purchase Counseling – A housing counselor will sit down with you to work through and evaluate the home buying process and ensure that you understand the mortgage lending process and the financial commitment you are about to undertake.
NFCC: Mortgage Delinquency - A housing counselor will work with you, examining your financial situation, and offer guidance on how best to avoid default or foreclosure.
NFCC: Reverse Mortgage - Certified housing counselors provide seniors with information regarding HECM (home equity conversion mortgage). Information is presented in a one-on-one session.
HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Buying a Home - HUD – Nine steps to buying a home.
Owning a Home - HUD - Tips, tricks, and other information can help make your experience as a homeowner a little easier.
Renting - HUD – Learn about HUD rental assistance programs.
Homeless Prevention
Homelessness - HUD – HUD funds programs to help the homeless.