The Camden County Library System now offers mobile hotspots for checkout. The Verizon 4G Jetpack can be used for internet access in the home, or while on the road. The device is small and easy to use, and will go up to 24 hours before it needs to be recharged. The jetpack lets you connect with up to 15 devices at a time, and has a USB-C port that can be used to charge compatible devices.
- • You can place a hold for a jetpack using CamCat, our online catalog.
- • The jetpacks are available at all branches, and can be checked out to adults for two weeks, with no renewals. They can be returned at any branch. If the device is returned late, there is a $1 a day late fee (Circulation Policies). The device will be deactivated if kept after the due date and will no longer be usable.
Place a hold on a mobile hotspot in CamCat.