Visiting Hours:
Monday-Friday from 1-4 p.m.
Tuesday from 6-9:30 p.m.
First Saturday of the month October through May from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Last Sunday of the month from 2-5 p.m.
Admission: $5 for nonmembers
Website: http://www.gchsnj.org
Genealogical Holdings in the Library of the Gloucester County (NJ) Historical Society
Bible Records: 44 volumes - plus hundreds of copies in vertical files
Books: 8,500 genealogies, family histories and general histories
Census Records:
New Jersey State Census: All Southern Counties: 1855 - 1915
Federal Census:
All New Jersey: 1830 - 1920
All Delaware: 1920
The following Pennsylvania counties:
Adams Co. - 1860, 1870
Bucks Co. - 1850, 1870, 1920
Chester Co. - 1920
Delaware Co. - 1920
Lackawanna Co. - 1920
Montgomery Co. - 1850, 1860, 1920
Northumberland Co. - 1870
Philadelphia Co. - 1850, 1920
Cemetery Inscriptions: 125 volumes - South Jersey/Delaware Valley
Church Records:
115 volumes - South Jersey/Delaware Valley
Photocopies of records of 60 South Jersey churches
240 microfilm reels with various NJ city, county and telephone directories
64 bound volumes of Camden city directories
134 bound volumes of Philadelphia city directories
Marriages: 45 volumes of NJ and PA marriages plus Vital Statistics files
Miscellaneous Records:
Account books, almanacs, biographies and diaries
Charles Sheppard Genealogical Records (17 microfilm rolls)
Gloucester Co. Document Collection: (Partial name index)
80,000 original documents pertaining to county history
NJ Archives - 42 volumes
NJ Mortality Schedules: 1850-1880
NJ Tax Ratables: 1772-1822
PA Archives: 9th Series
Camden Co.: 1834-1840; 1928-1996
Cumberland Co.: 1815-1839; Periodic issues 1840-1920
Gloucester Co.: 1819 to Present
Salem Co.: 1848-1972
The American Genealogist
Delaware Genealogical Society Journal
Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey
Mennonite Family History (PA)
National Genealogical Society Quarterly
New Jersey History (formerly Proceedings of the NJ Historical Society)
New York Genealogical and Biographical Record
North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal
Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
Vertical Files: Over 4,000 files containing bible records, pedigree charts, family group sheets, documents, letters, articles, photographs, wills and vital statistics on South Jersey/Delaware Valley families. Topic headings available on website.
Vital Statistics: Over 355,000 index cards containing births, marriages and deaths; most of which have been extracted from area newspapers since 1800.
Available for following counties from their incorporation until 1900:
Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem
Also: All New Jersey will extracts: 1670-1817 and Monmouth Co. 1693-1841
Pennsylvania Wills for following counties: Berks Co.: 1752-1825, Bucks Co.1685-1825, Chester Co. 1714-1825, Cumberland Co. 1750-1825, Delaware Co. 1789-1835, Montgomery Co. 1784-1850, Philadelphia Co. 1682-1825, York Co.1749-1820